Dynamics GP in Simple Manufacturing, what if Bill of Materials does the job?
If you just need some features of discrete manufacturing and do not really have to account for such “hi-end” functionalities as Manufacturing Floor Planning, Quality Assurance, we recommend you to review distribution version of Bill of Materials. Simple or small-scale manufacturing oriented businesses might need to pay more attention to such features as Warehouse Management System with Barcode scanning, some elements of Supply Chain Management, and plus often integration with custom “know-how” application (programmed and designed in small business oriented software, such as Microsoft Access, FoxPro, Paradox, FileMaker, Excel, etc.). In this small paper we are trying to review the options and give you some case studies, where small or mid-size production company implemented Microsoft Dynamics GP and historically older versions of Great Plains Dynamics and even Great Plains Accounting for DOS, Windows or Macintosh:
1. How to recognize that you are not a huge manufacturing mill? Well, if you just do assembly on order and there are several orders per day, where production is fairly simple, or maybe too unique for each order, chances are high that you are mid-market manufacturer with original technology and business processes. You probably know the answer on your own, but we are trying to orient you from the Corporate ERP system perspectives
2. Distribution BOM (Bill of Materials) module. Distribution set of modules contains Sales Order Processing, Purchase Order Processing, Inventory Control and few others. BOM was originally designed by Great Plains Software as extension to Inventory Control module and it was incorporated in Dynamics.dic by GPS Dexterity programmers. On the other hand, Dynamics GP Manufacturing suite was adopted (GPS acquired it from Icontrol Great Plains ISV partner in late 1990th). These facts in our opinion indicate about better integration for Distribution BOM and more flexible exposure to such Dynamics GP customization tools, as Dexterity, Integration Manager, Modifier with VBA, eConnect
3. If you are sure that you need full featured manufacturing suite for Great Plains Dynamics GP. Well, this paper is orientation session for your small business colleagues, in your case we recommend you to check out our earlier publications on Great Plains Manufacturing Suite of modules. Manufacturing suite does wonderful job for large and mid-size production companies, but this article is for smaller companies audience
4. Special attention to Barcoding and Warehouse Management technologies. WMS helps you with such processes as Order Fulfillment (through Picking and Packing), Purchase Receipts, Inventory Adjustments, Transfers and Cycle Count, where you do these routines on the warehouse floor by physically scanning barcode labels of the items
5. What if I already have Dynamics GP or older Great Plains implemented for my manufacturing company and I need some modifications and probably technical support help? Dynamics GP or even older Great Plains Dynamics and eEnterprise are for mid-market. This ERP application requires some exposure to the technology layers (Microsoft SQL Server, Dexterity, eConnect, Integration Manager, Modifier with VBA, Extender, SQL scripting, Microsoft Visual Studio C# or VB programming, XML). This application has rich Corporate ERP business logic and it requires certifications to become Dynamics GP consultant. You probably need professional Dynamics GP Consultant help, where you will be given the proposals to improve your current processes or maybe recommendations to upgrade to current Dynamics GP version 2010/11.0 (as we are writing the lines in October 2010)
6. Case Study. Juice blending business, this one is probably not too small, but they decided to take BOM route on Dynamics GP. This company supplies powder to its franchisees in USA and Internationally, where the solution formula is required to be the same and is used as Royalty control percentage estimation. Bill of Materials module does perfect job, no needs of any help from full-scale manufacturing package
7. Discrete versus Process Manufacturing points. Both Distribution BOM and its counterpart in Dynamics GP Manufacturing suite are rather geared toward discrete manufacturing. If your business has Process Manufacturing processes (typically in foods processing, mining, flowers, fruits and vegetables), we recommend you to consider Dynamics AX Axapta or call us for the evaluation on Great Plains process manufacturing add-ons (available via Dynamics GP ISV channel)
8. To request further support, please call us 1-866-528-0577, help@albaspectrum.com. By the nature of our service we are available for Manufacturing and WMS implementation USA, Canada nationwide. Local service is available in Western Michigan: St. Joseph, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, Muskegon, Holland, New Buffalo; in Chicagoland, North Western Indiana, Southern California (Los Angeles, San Diego, Irvine, Orange County), Houston and Dallas areas of Texas
Source by Andrew Karasev