

Use a Popup Calendar In Microsoft Word

Use a Popup Calendar In Microsoft Word

Did you ever need to check a date before you typed and insert it into a ocument? Microsoft Word enables you to add a popup calendar in a document. Various types of calendar formats are available in Word. You can select the date and time format as per your requirement.

Let’s start with Word 2007 and 2010, to insert and configure Popup Calander in Microsoft Word without writing any code. This ActiveX control installed with all Microsoft Office versions.

The first thing to do is make sure you have the Developer tab displayed on the ribbon. You only have to do this once. If you don’t see it there, go to the Office Button in Word 2007 and click Word Options. Choose the Popular tab and select Show Developer Tab in the Ribbon.

In Word 2010, go to the File tab and click on Options. Go to the Customize Ribbon tab. In the Customize the Ribbon list under Main Tabs, select the Developer check box.

Once you have the Developer tab visible, the rest is easy. Whenever you need to insert a date and you need to look at a calendar, just place your cursor in the spot where you want it, go to the Developer tab and click theDate Picker Content Control button in the Controls group. It looks like a little blue and red calendar.

A control will appear on your document. Click the drop-down arrow on the end and a calendar will pop up. You can scroll backward and forward through the months and years, and then simply click on the date you want to enter.

In addition, if you want to change properties of the calendar or the way the date is displayed, simply click on the Date Picker Content Control button and then click on Properties to make all of your desired changes.

Click the ‘Properties‘ button in the Controls group to format the date field if you do not like the defaults. You can enter a different date format, give your field a title and a tag, and select whether you want to lock the control field, Locale to select your locale language and also Calender Type, etc.

Click ‘OK’ when you are satisfied with your choices.

Nice way to add Date and Time in your document.!!

Do not forget to comments for Popup Calander in Word and share it with coleagues help them to save time to insert interactive Date and Time.