Systems Integrator Baxtek Solutions Recognizes Value Voice Directed Distribution With Vocollect
BaxTek Solutions, ( a leading Systems Integrators has found that many clients in the manufacturing, distribution, and warehousing sectors are gaining value from RF handhelds. Among the many platform choices for directing work in a distribution centers, adding voice to handhelds offers options for making a team more efficient and extending performance.
Wayne Baxter, President of the BaxTek Solutions noted, “Deciding on the best fit can be challenging. Clients must weigh the cost/benefit and performance tradeoffs between using voice-only wearable computers and voice-enabled handheld devices. There are many processes inside the warehouse that can be performed more efficiently with the implementation of Voice-Directed Distribution. We’ve found that for our clients Vocollect offers a variety of commercial, off-the-shelf applications to add voice to order selection, replenishments, put-aways, transfers and receiving.”
Baxter added, “Extend Voice-Directed Distribution goes beyond intensive, full-time use to other applications where voice adds value. Now the same people who perform multiple operations can use screen displays for some applications, and add voice for others – choosing the right tool for the job. Companies are able to enhance performance from receiving/loading to dock operations by combining voice into handheld applications. Distribution centers combine full-time voice-only users and voice-enabled handheld users operating seamlessly under one roof. They use a single WMS connection, a single user and device management console; and the same standard applications – all the way down to the voice prompts. Voice-directed warehouse solutions have empowered companies in new and exciting ways, and they achieve efficiencies that translate into true operational gains at all levels.”
BaxTek Solutions represents all major Auto ID hardware manufactures (including LXE, Zebra, Motorola, Datamax, Intermec, Vocollect, Alien, Cisco, Unitech, Datalogic, Honeywell, and Sato.) Software solutions include Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Warehouse Management Systems (WMS), asset tracking, inventory tracking, custom, and mobile applications such as, DSD (direct store delivery) and field service. BaxTek Solutions’ diverse customer base includes manufacturers, distributors, as well as firms involved in logistics, mobility, and government projects. BaxTek Solutions’ team of project managers and engineers take a partnership approach to every project, achieving a rapid return on investment for clients.
BaxTek Solutions
Tina Nagaitis
Marketing Manager
866 722 9835
Source by Thomas Cutler