

How To Repair An Invalid And Unreadable Dynamic Disk

How To Repair An Invalid And Unreadable Dynamic Disk

Invalid Dynamic Disk: Before installing Window 7, I installed the original Windows XP professional on the machine, I found myself to be very smart doing this. Unfortunatly now that Window 7 is installed on this machine the disk is not accessible. Disk Manager says “Dynamic Disk Status Invalid”. Now I know mainly because I was using a WINDOWS 7 HOME EDITION, this does not support dynamic disc, so an Invalid Dyanmic Disk was shown in disk management. In fact, all the Home edition of Windows do not support dynamic disks such as XP Home, Vista Home, Win7 Home Basic and Premium Edition. The screen shot is shown below:

Unreadable Dynamic Disk: The drive is not accessible. The drive may have experienced hardware failure, corruption, or I/O errors. The disk’s copy of the system’s disc configuration database may be corrupted. An error icon appears on the Unreadable disk. Both dynamic and basic disks display the Unreadable status. Disks may display the Unreadable status while they are spinning up or when Array Manager is rescanning all of the disks on the system. In some cases, an Unreadable dynamic dischas failed and is not recoverable. For dynamic disks, the Unreadable status usually results from corruption or I/O errors on part of the harddisk, rather than failure of the entire harddisk as follows.

Repair Invalid and Unreadable Dyanmic Disk: 
There are two ways to solve this problems, first is to directly clear data and revert it to a basic disk, the second is to become it to a valid basic disk by using Dynamic Disk Converter, which can convert an invalid, unreadable dynamic to basic disk to fix it without losing data, even if the dynamic drive can not be accessed in Windows 7/Vista Home Basic Edition, and it’s secure and easy!
The step is as follows:
1. Run the converter, and select a Invalid or Unreadable Dynamic Disc that you want to repair.
2. Confirm that the selected disk which you wish to repair.
3. Executing…Report of the repair is complete.
4. After completing, you need restart the computer to take effect, and then the disk becomes valid and readable!

Dynamic Disk Converter Download:

Source by magic-me