


SEO Tactics That Need to Be Considered in 2024

The year is close to the end and SEO consultants are already debating over the strategies and tactics that needs to be followed in the coming year 2024. Several has already researched and published several things and here are we. We have researched and compared several activities to identify which will work and where we did general silly mistakes.

After a clear indication and detailed research, we have identified few tactics that will definitely work in the coming year. Several had already in the marathon & performing much better and few are new (actually not new, but generally misguided prior).

According to the research, traditional approach of “off-page activities” and “on-page activities” will definitely work with few ideological changes. Lets discuss in detail:

On-site SEO Tactics (On-page activities)

To get ready to face hurdles in 2024, SEO Specialists should work first on On-site SEO Tactics. On-site SEO means the work done on the own website instead of other’s. From site structure to website speed, it incorporates several factors, such as-

  • UI and Navigation – Great UI always leads to the conversions, user interaction and better impressions. While clear navigation helps to improve visit duration of an individual user. Included in it, they are an essential elements to get rank and get authorized by several active users and webmasters. Use easy navigational formats, proper context placement, elegant web design, etc. to provide better user experience.
  • Site Architecture – A proper architectural design will definitely lead to the ranking and also impact on user experience. While at the different side, it will help to recognize user behavior as well. Site Architecture promises to the proper alignment, proper placement of context and a clearer look. Follow standards of web design, include high level graphics, relevant videos, error-free content, and things to improve user click behavior.
  • Site Interlinking – Interlinking plays a vital role in site ranking. As it leads a user to different pages on the same website and shares the link juice to others, it helps to improve page rank as well as the keyword impressions on Google. Use proper linking structure and anchor on relevant keyword to relevant web page to get noticed by Google crawlers.
  • Site Speed and Crawl ability – Faster loading enhances user experience and help a website to hold users for more duration. To make your website faster on browsers just minify your CSS and JS file and enable the compression of your resources. Even you should work on caching functionality, which amazingly improves crawl speed.
  • Mobile Responsiveness – It is the most essential element to rank well on mobile devices and get higher rate of user interaction. Google has already announced the necessity of responsiveness in its previous update – Mobilegeddon. So, adopt responsive layouts to rank well on search engine’s SERP for both desktop searches and mobile searches.
  • Schema Markup – To identify things accurately, we need few markups that define what it is, why it’s used, who own it, etc. Similarly, search engines also needed few markups to identify site’s elements. That’s why Google itself created Schema Markups that defines the author, title, logo, and several other elements in a website. It helps to index accurately and return back for the accurate search queries.
  • Local Identity Markup – As per Google’s Pigeon update, it’s essential to include Local NAP (Name, Address, Phone no) to get ranked high for local results. This markup results much better for the geocentric searches. So, include your local identity and get ranked better in 2024.
  • Include Authorize trust signals – Authorized websites will get some betterment in the SERP, as they reveal their trust signals. Their trust signals can be their partner’s logo, their SSL certificate, their trademark, etc. So, include trust signals to get user’s trust, this is essential in the near future.

Off-site SEO Tactics (Off-page activities)

On a parallel side, expert digital marketers needed to work on Off-site SEO tactics to create a better presence on search engines. By making authentic, relevant and themed links, we can face the hurdles and overcome from the obstacles in the coming year. Let’s discuss the major off-page activities that will lead in 2024:

  • Authentic Link Building – Authenticity comes first when we talk about user trust. Even for the search engine crawlers, authentic link building makes a website trustworthy and helps to improve impressions on a search engine. So, try to get better outbound links websites or from highly ranked (high DA, PA and PR websites).
  • Content Marketing – Content appears as one of the most important factor in SEO and used as a lead tactic in off-page optimization. From traditional activities to the modern assignments, content used everywhere. But not ordinary, having creative, unique and effective content is essential for better impressions on search engines and it affects the user behavior as well. So, use relevant, grammar-free, unique, expressive and out of the box content for your SEO campaigns in 2024.
  • Authorize Guest Networking – The term networking will impact negatively for the crawlers and because of that, Google somehow didn’t recognize Guest networking for ranking. But if it used in a positive aspect, guest blog networking will impact much better. As they are highly relevant, most authentic and user centric, so, they directly lead more users to a website.
  • Keyword Optimization – Every strategy begins with the selection of relevant keywords, who takes the lead and makes a website visible in SERP for different search queries. Proper placement of keywords in a content (i.e. Keyword Density) and the proximity are essential to get benefited through selected keywords. So, use highly relevant keywords, keep focus on density and proximity, use them in headings and title, etc.
  • Local Listing for all – As per Google’s Pegion Update, local results will completely influence by local listings, NAP and local keywords. By doing local directory submissions, local citation, classifieds on local portals and promotions using local keywords will improve the rank for local searches. So, try to involve GEO specific keywords and local listings in your strategy for 2024 SEO.
  • Active Blogging – Be active to make your promotions worthy. As content marketing is an essential tactic of promotions, blogging is another way of content marketing. On your own blog, company’s blog or on other’s relevant blogs, continual blogging will improve your impressions. So, actively write informative, effective and relevant content for blogging purpose.
  • Themed Linking – In 2024, try to focus on thematic linking, as it shows more relevant and attract targeted audience. Themed linking simply means to the conceptual back linking or getting backlinks from similar concept websites. So, try to search relevant and similar theme sites through competitor analysis, backlink check or searching Google for similar content and place your backlink there.
  • Link Reclamation – Another technique that will give assurance for the better results. Reclamation simply means to recreate broken links by making them revive. For that you can search broken links on highly authorized websites such as Wikipedia, and target relevant thematic content towards your own website. So rebuild your authenticity by using link reclamation in 2024.
  • Client Testimonials/Reviews – Recommendation always improves user trust as well as the Google’s. By asking client testimonials and reviews (obviously positive) on different portals, such as Google business page, Facebook Page, Glassdoor and others, will enhance the ranks and impressions. So, ask positive reviews and testimonials from clients to rank well in 2024.
  • Improve Visual Content Engagement – Text only content can’t make you enhance your user stay on the website. As it somehow makes them bore and ruin their experience. Even no-one has time to read huge content. So, try to involve expressive and engaging visual content such as graphics, images, videos, animations, etc. to improve user engagement and to reduce bounce rate.

Social Networking Tactics (Social Signals)

Previously, these are known as a part of “Off-Page Tactics”, but now they have an individual preference and an impact on ranking and impressions on search engines. As a recommended tactic, these signals also consider to make conversions and direct connection. So, that’s require to keep your faith and focus over social signals and work on its elements, such as-

  • Social Activeness – Be active on social networks to create a recognized identity. A post on a daily basis can help you to transform your business page into a brand and aware relevant audience about your services, products and features.
  • Improve circle/Friend list of relevant fields – Be clear about the audience before selecting one as a friend on your business account. As it is solely for promotions and conversions and somehow work as a showcase, but only for the relevant one. So improve your friend list with most relevant users, which can help you to generate more pennies in less promotion.
  • Enhance Network – Along with the enhancement in friends, that’s also essential to be a part of different, but relevant communities and groups. It will help you to enhance your reach in the same industry and improve the chance of conversions.
  • Active Blogging on Social Networks – As an emerging platform, social networks are the perfect place to do blogging. As they guarantee about the self promotion and highest reach on a single post, they also assured you about more user interaction. Even the content placed on social platforms such as – Facebook, LinkedIn, Reddit, Stumbleupon, etc. will get high authority and index sooner.
  • Ask for Social Reviews – Social networks worth a lot to make your business a brand. So, be active on it to be always identified, authorized and recognized by several. Even, never leave a single day without interacting, sharing your thought and asking your circle for the reviews. As these are much appreciated way to get ranked on search engines.

Analytics and rapid check (crosscheck activities)

Google used to change its search algorithms on a regular basis (several times in a single year), which caused for the failure of several tactics and also amazingly improve few ones. In those changes some are seriously the giants such as previous – Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, Mobilegeddon, Pigeon and RankBrain.

So, it’s an essential thing to cross check the work by keeping eyes on a few things, such as-

  • Google Tool Analysis – As an SEO consultant, we are used to with these tools and connected with them regularly. Even these are essential to calculate traffic and to analyze site errors. Moreover, that tools like Google Analytics and webmasters can be utilized to improve the site’s crawl ability, sitemap indexing, user behavior, manual penalties, and much more.
  • In-Page Analysis – To identify user’s behavior on a single page, we generally use In-Page Google Analytics tools. This clears out the user flow, means on which direction user reads the content and interacts with which context more. With a clear percentage, we can analyze the context worth and according to that we can modify our context.
  • Performance Measurement – To identify the worth of work, we need to do performance measurement on a regular basis. It includes backlink checking, broken link checking, 404 checking, link error checking, authority checking, etc. By the rapid checkup, we can make ourselves assure about the results and it will help us to prepare further strategies.

Few last words

We have stated about SEO in 2024 at the end of last year along with relevant infographic and as now, this year is near to end. As like previous year, we had done a few researches and analysis this year as well to identify what will work better in the coming year 2024. We squeeze our research and come with the details here. We had four major sections that need focus in 2024 and SEO specialists needs to keep their eyes on “on-site tactics”, “off-site tactics”, “social signals” and “analytics”.

Source by Anurag G.

Sage Accounting cloud for small and medium firms

Sage software applications are robust products to manage enterprises. The automated software solution operates all functionalities of an organization. Every company needs an automated software solution to manage their business and accounting softwares are one of the most required product to manage the enterprise. Precisely when a company has no business management softwares then then the growth and development of the firm gets affected. Sage application software is popular known to manage firms and trades which eliminate the usage of the manual operation of businesses. Accountants and professionals are more experienced to company management though when software solution is available most task are managed by the software. The automated software solution operates all kinds of task for the company. Sage applications are made robust to perform in any situation to make businesses simplified. Sage accounting software is available as customized softwares for the firms. The custom made products are available as on demand software for clients who need specific products for their firm. Customers should contact Sage for the tailor made products of accounting software sage.

Sage accounting software solution:

Sage is free learning of accounting application as trial software which users can install on any device and get started to learn. Sage application is compatible to all devices so users can install on any system like mobile, tablet, laptop or a computer. There are some other means to learn the application such as webinars, portal videos and tutorials. Sage applications purchase is easy for which customers can get good discounts to save some cash. Sage accounting cloud is web hosting of the application on remote servers online. Cloud server is the latest technology that offers freedom of access, freedom of device to users. Sage accounting cloud has delivered productive solution for businesses operating in any domain. The accounting solution on cloud is accessible to genuine users who have access permission to web hosted system. Hosting providers manage client data online and deliver high security to protect the data and the client company. Online protection to businesses is the prior service offered by the hosting company. Moreover, customer support services are also offered to clients who may call anytime via phone, emails or live chat. These technical services are full time support to offer uninterrupted hosting services to customers.

Desktop hosting is on premise hosting of the application that is located on local servers. It is evident that there are more operating costs such as managing infrastructure, maintenance, IT cost and various other things that are required in managing the enterprise business. Desktop is traditional system which is considered secure for company data and files. The hosting providers offer subscription based services which users can manage cash and finances for sage accounting cloud customers. There is no contract for web hosting services so users can exit anytime. Hosting providers offer backups on schedules, bank level security data management system and recovery system for clients.

Source by robert

The Benefits of Using Excel Marketing Dashboards

Nowadays, you will easily get in touch with numerous organizations with an expert knowledge on how a marketing dashboard will work towards the growth of your business. However, as a business owner, you must remain aware of all the intricacies and problems of your organization just like the palm of your very own hand. Remember, your complete awareness will go a long way towards building trust and faith with your hired dashboard experts.

Now, the need for a marketing dashboard has become quite mandatory irrespective of the products or services you want to promote in the near future, or are promoting at the moment. The best part is that online transactions will get easier to manage or handle in the long run. Moreover, all your important marketing records can be easily viewed in no time with the help of well-crafted dashboards. Good dashboards will also highlight things that need your immediate attention. As a result, you will be able to rectify the errors as soon as possible. And from the long term point of view, it will go on to increase your organization’s productivity levels by leaps and bounds.

The above mentioned benefits become even more effective when the dashboards are prepared with the help of Microsoft Excel. There’s absolutely no reason for underestimating the creative power that Microsoft Excel brings to the table. Amongst many other benefits, flexibility is perhaps the most important reason for considering Excel at the time of preparing marketing dashboards. It accommodates instant changes like a change in the timing and additional items with absolute ease whatsoever. This type of flexibility goes on to replace old graphs and add the latest and more detailed charts. Moreover, a change in color and size of the fonts adds to the beauty of the dashboard at the same time.

A strong analytical capability also makes Excel the preferred option. It has the power to manage complex calculations and statistical data with utmost ease. The fact that Excel is also extremely user-friendly, automatically gives it an edge over other software and applications. For this reason, many organizations take the help of Excel for their employee training programs.

Besides being user-friendly, Excel is quite well-known and accepted amongst its users. And this naturally puts the application in a position of advantage. For this reason, in spite of the presence of other tailor-made software, Excel still dominates a major share of the software market pretty comfortably. Therefore, when a marketing professional uses a dashboard made out of Excel, things begin to take a positive turn right from the very first step or first piece of sales strategy. And when you combine it with something like Share Point, then you obviously get blessed with a very strong publishing platform.

Finally, a marketing dashboard done with the help of Excel portrays professionalism and quality. Add to that, Excel presentations with its charting designs, various fonts, and color schemes also help to catch the attention of the clients and your target audience. So, if you utilize it in the right manner, there’s nothing to lose and everything to gain. All the best!

Content Source :

Source by Mitchell Gibson

Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11 Premium review

Not a lot, which may be no bad thing. Nuance claims that the latest iteration is ‘faster, better, simply smarter’. Although we remain impressed with NaturallySpeaking, version 11 is more of a point upgrade than a major step forward. Visible changes help you to use NS more effectively, particularly in terms of navigating your PC, but the underlying engine is improved only marginally.
Nuance claims that Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11 Premium is up to 99 percent accurate out of the box. In our tests this was a little ambitious – but only a little. Off the blocks we achieved around 96 percent accuracy. After completing the initial training, we were able to get around 97 percent.

The training requires you to read from a set text as the software gets used to your dulcet tones. With a little more work we settled at around 98 percent. In practice this is impressive and useful, and the more you use Dragon, the better it gets.

Just how useful Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11 Premium will be for you depends on how much you use it, and what form of copy you need to dictate. Taking notes and composing informal emails by voice requires very little revision and saves time, formal letters and essays are less suited.

Making corrections is not difficult, but takes a modicum of getting used to. As with any program there are specific commands, and in this instance you need to speak them aloud. In terms of corrections, if you’re a good typer you may find that the traditional method remains the best.

No matter, just as Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11 Premium needs to learn to understand you, you need to get to grips with the way the software works: and this is where the update shines.

Nuance has tweaked the interface, adding in the all-new Dragon Sidebar, which sits next to open windows, anticipating commands according to what you are doing. Think of it as a verbal MS Office ribbon (and try not too think badly of it as a consequence).

This makes it easier to access important Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11 Premium features and options. Indeed, with built-in support for Microsoft Word, OpenOffice Writer, Microsoft Outlook, Internet Explorer and Firefox, using Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11 Premium to navigate your Windows PC is a cinch.

Opening and using apps, addressing and sending emails, surfing the web… all can be done vocally, easily: although no more so than Windows 7’s native voice-recognition capabilities.

You require a microphone headset, which Nuance thoughtfully provides. It connects via 3.5mm mic and headphone sockets, and is of more than decent quality.


Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11 Premium is, quite simply, the best speech-recognition software there is, limited only by the nature of this type of program. It’s unlikely to be a compelling upgrade for version 10 users, but if you require dictation and navigation by speech, look no further.

Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium 11 is Available at Amazonir?t=bewedeus-20&l=as2&o=1&a=B003VNCROU

Source by Faye Rankine

Keep Business in Excellent Shape with App Monitoring Solutions

The performance of your business applications determines your business’s wellbeing. If you have slow or low functioning software, your company is most likely lagging behind in today’s fast-moving world of commerce. It is important that you find the best application monitoring solutions available. After all, the quality of the monitoring service determines the performance of your app.

Applications have become an integral part of today’s society. The age of computerization has made applications mandatory for most industries. Automated systems have enabled companies all over the world to manufacture goods, calculate inventories, and perform transactions, and so on at an alarming rate. The business world can no longer survive without good quality software apps.  

Look for Quick Solutions

Every minute is important in a business environment. The slightest error on an app can be a grand mistake. Look for a service that gives quick application performance monitoring solutions. If your get slow results, you will have wasted a lot of time and material, especially in the production line. This results in discontented customers and lost revenues. Instant diagnosis and troubleshooting is a very necessary factor to consider. You do not have time to gather monitoring information for a detailed examination at later time. The service you look for must guarantee on-site on-time solutions. The challenge needs to be dealt with on the spot.

Look for Instant Solutions

Another factor to consider when looking for application performance monitoring solutions is instantaneous monitoring. Avoid services that take average value of data. This type of monitoring solutions creates flaws. More flaws increase the risks of performance quandaries that fail to go noticed. This intensifies the problem as the issues were not resolved. A good monitoring service monitors on instant basis, guaranteeing every application problem to be dealt with.

Find Service Online

The internet makes an excellent source to find a quality app monitoring service. Examine service websites to make sure you select only the best. Your business apps rely heavily on quality control service. Look for customer reviews and testimonials to get an unbiased feedback regarding application monitoring solutions. It is best to look for reviews on forums and other review sites. This is to avoid only positive comments that are posted on the service provider’s site.

Prevent your company from performing poorly due to inadequate applications functions. By hiring expert solutions, you can greatly enhance the company’s performance without slowing it down. In today’s aggressive corporate scenario, using the best monitoring services has become a necessity.

Source by jennifersoft

Advantages and Disadvantages of Shared Web Hosting

Advantages :Cheap Cost and Affordable Price:Available at Most Affordable Cost. Today thousands of Companies Offering at Very Cheap Prices.Most Common Option In the Industry. Its Market Share is Also High as Compared to Other Host Options.
No Maintenance Cost:It Comes with All Inclusive Price.You would like Not Bother About Server Maintenance and Setup
Fast Setup:In Case of Shared Host Your Site Could Be Live With in 24 Hours of Purchase.Unlike Dedicated Host it Could Setup Instantly.No need to be a Technically Sound Person.
Good For Small Sites and :It is the Best Option For Beginners and Small Websites.

Disadvantages :

Security issues:Security is one Of Main Disadvantage.
Backup Process is Very Hard Task As the thousands of Websites Hosted on Same Web Server.Security is one of chief disadvantage of Shared Hosting. Backup Process is exceptionally hard task as the thousands of Web sites Hosted on same Web Server.
Limited Resources:
Thousands Of Web Sites Using Same Resources.That’s Why If One User Site consumes More Resources of web Server Other Sites Might Slow Down.In Other Way One Problematic Website May Cause Crash of All Other Sites in the Same Server.
Dynamic IP:
Many Providers Does not Give Static ip For Shared Website Hosting. Dynamic ip is outstandingly risk when You Going for E-commerce Transactions On Your WebSite.This Disadvantage Could Overcome By Choosing Static iP.Some Companies Gives a Option to Choose Static or Dynamic IP. They Will Charge You Small Amount for Static IP.

Not good For Large Data Base E-Commerce Sites:
Large Websites Need Plenty of Server Resources.So They are not Suitable of it. Final Word: No Doubt It Has Major Share in Industry. But Before You Going to Buy a Shared host Plan, You Must Know Your Requirements.Then Proceed. Best of Luck.
Here you can chose Top Rated Web Hosting Services Compared

Source by Hosting Ratings

Basic Concepts of Web Hosts

The one who wants to enter in this web world and desires for a long time survival, then he/she should be familiar with each and every terminology used in this field. If user considers all the important factors before choosing a hosting plan then only he/she will be able to have a successful future in this world .User should not choose any of the plan, rather he/she should opt the best and most suitable one and this can only be made possible by fetching more and more informations and also by studying properly all the requirements. New comers should start from the basics .They should learn the meaning of each and every term used and also in addition those factors that can affect his/her selection.

Web Host

Web host refers to a computer connected to the internet. Web host can also be termed as ‘web server’. The computer that is playing the role of the web server needs to be more powerful than normal PCs and the function of this web server is to serve up websites.
The website content of the user will remain will on this computer, so as the people who are surfing on the internet can get a way to access his/her website.

There can be three main categories in which the web host can be classified based on the economic factor and common features:

1. Free Hosts:

The users who are not professional but are making website only as a hobby then for them free hosting can be a good option. In free hosting space, bandwidth and other features provided are very limited. With free web hosting one can not only make his/her website successful but is also suitable for personal websites or for temporary usage. Generally free hosting enforces pop-up, text or banner ads. Reliability, best performance and customer support lacks in case of free hosting as well. When a user registers for a free host then the word free host gets added with the user’s domain name that gives an adverse effect in the eye of the visitors.

2. Shared Hosts:

The next type of the web hosting to be discussed is shared hosting. This hosting service is used by many of the web sites .This type of hosting service is Suitable for personal, small and medium businesses. This service can be used by paying $1 to $25 per month. The features provided by this service vary from very limited space/bandwidth to semi-dedicated servers. The users host their website by this type of hosting service and it has its own top level domain facility. No doubt that shared web hosting is quite better than free hosting but still it does not provide 100% satisfactory services. In case of shared hosting one server is shared by the number of websites so its performance and availability gets affected. More websites usually means less performance. If less number of websites are hosted by one server then it will be more expensive, but in this case there are more chances of reliability. There are many companies allowing customers to host multiple websites with different domains under a single account.

3. Dedicated Hosts:

The next type of hosting is dedicated hosting. This type of hosting is most reliable hosting. In this type of hosting a full server is dedicated to a single customer. Generally this type of hosting is used by large businesses, professionals and very active websites dealing with thousands of visitors daily. The customers having dedicated hosting can have their total control over the server as well as able to create as many websites as they like. Customers can run their own hosting company on a rented dedicated server. Payment module is mentioned according to specifications and services provided with the server, which varies from $100 up to about $800 dollars per month.

4. Collocated Hosts:

Now the other type of hosting service to be discussed is collocated hosting. This service is very much similar to dedicated hosting. The difference between collocated hosting and dedicated hosting is that in collocated hosting the customer owns the server hardware instead of renting it. In this service the server will be placed in provider’s data center. This service is more expensive than dedicated hosting.

5. Reseller Hosts:

In reseller hosting the providers offers web server storage to their customers, and resells the web server storage to them. Generally providers offer resellers a discount price.

6. Other Hosts:

Including the above type of hosts there are also many other hosts such as email hosts, media hosts, data hosts, etc but these hosts will not be discussed in this article.

Domain Name

Domain name is the name which shows the place where one’s website is located. The actual address of the website is a set of numbers. Each and every web server has its own unique address. Domain name indicates the real addresses of every websites. One can easily remember the domain name of any of the website. Remembering domain name is easier than recalling the IP addresses.

Space / Storage

Space is one of the services provided by the web host. It plays a very important role in the website development. It happens many times that the customer requires more space but the host fails to provide it, so customer should be very careful while choosing the web host. Storage is the amount of web server’s disk space available for customer’s website files, images and databases. Space can be according to the requirement; it can be as small as 5MB in some free hosts and as big as 300GB for some dedicated servers. Earlier prices of the space were very high but prices reduced significantly during the last few years. The hosting plans offering 3GB of space for less than $10 a month can be easily available.


Bandwidth can be defined as the amount of data transferred from web server to clients’ internet browsers. When ever a person outlook a page the data is transmitted from the server to that person’ PC. If any one is having audio, video and images in his/her website then the bandwidth consumed is more in comparison of the website having only text contents. The bandwidth available in free hosting can be as low as 100MB per month where as in some dedicated servers the bandwidth available is as high as 2000GB a month. The customers who don’t want to pay more for bandwidth can easily find hosting plans offering 75GB of monthly data transfer for less than $10.

Server Type

Generally server means the operating system than runs the web server. Some common types are Windows, Linux and UNIX. Server type refers the server side scripting and database types. The difference between Windows server and Linux/UNIX is that Windows runs ASP and ASP.NET with Access or SQL Server databases where as Linux/UNIX servers usually runs CGI, PHP or JSP with MySQL or Oracle databases. The other difference is that Windows servers are more expensive than Linux/UNIX servers.


As server type is discussed earlier also, we are able to know that there are different types of databases available. The mostly used is MySQL as it is open source GPL (free) software and can serve a lot of online applications’ requirements such as forums, content management, mailing lists, etc. MySQL, rather its features are limited. MySQL is sufficient for small concern but it is not powerful for the complicated large business sites. Large business requires more powerful databases such as Oracle or SQL Server.
Server Side Scripting

Usually the new comers prefer to use PHP as server side scripting. The reason behind this is that there are hundreds of open source (GPL) PHP scripts that are able to fulfill the webmaster’s requirements. However PHP also has some limitations in features required by advanced websites same as in the case of MySQL, due to this limitation some professional web developers prefer to use ASP.NET or JSP. Some other developers still prefer to use Cold Fusion, CGI, ASP or PERL.


Now the next very important aspect to be talked about is Email. At present no one can move further in this computer world with having his/her Email account. The one who is planning to do any kind of activity through computer such as to run a business or to provide any kind of service, then the first thing he/she need to do is to open an Email account. There are many hosting plans that include the feature of having some email accounts with customer’s domain. The availability of number and size of email accounts totally depends on the hosting plan one opted. Generally this feature is not included in free hosting. Small plans provide only about 10 accounts where as big plans do not have the limited number. Usually those email accounts are web based and accessible through POP3 clients as well.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

The other service is FTP. File Transfer Protocol is a usual way of transferring files across the Internet. Most of the webmasters used to upload and download their websites contents through FTP. The process of uploading or downloading is performed by using FTP client software. Webmasters require FTP username and password so as to access their web server. There are any hosts who use to provide more than one FTP account to their customers as per their requirement. Rather FTP is unspecified; it is not advisable as per the security reasons.

Control Panel

Control panel is the service available by many of the web hosting companies to their customers. It is a web based application that helps in managing websites. Some important functions performed by the control panel are that it used to manage email accounts, providing statistics, managing FTP accounts, managing domains and sub-domains and managing databases. The control panel application that is mostly used by the user is cPanel. There are many companies who use to develop their own control panel application.


Now after having all the services, the thing of concern which remains is how the user keeps his/her website uptime most of the time. If anyone is having a website with excellent features but it remains down most of the time it will be of no use, as when ever the visitors visit his/her website and found it down then later on they will think twice before visiting it. In result he/she will suffer the loss of visitors. Uptime is very important feature of web hosts and that is usually measured in percentage. If a server remains down near about 30 minutes a day will have an uptime percentage of about 99.98%, which is acceptable for most small to medium business websites. If any of the business website is not having at least this percentage of uptime then that website is not suitable for a business website. Mission critical sites cannot tolerate frequent outages, thus they may use web monitoring services to notify web administrators immediately when an outage happens.


Finally the factor left is price. In this option also there is a great variability found like for example customer is having option to choose between the prices ranging from 0 to $1000 per month. For most personal, small and medium websites the total amount of cost involved is just $15 per month. Thus its not at all advisable for business website owners to select very cheap plans let say less than $5 because this price can lead to huge cost indirectly afterwards.

Source by Web Hosting

Access Hosting Benefits of Sage in the Cloud

Since sage arrived in the industry; the process of business management has become simple and easy. Before its inception business owners have had to operate the company management manually. Now with Sage application it’s easy to operate the trade from any place. Owners and accountants have free of access and feasibility to get Sage on hand whenever they want as it’s loaded on Smartphone. This facility was not available earlier but today a user can track trade updates on the go. No more hassle of going to office on time to check the business flow. Business moves consistently with the help of advanced Sage accounting system as there are less manual task and whenever there is any update required to be checked by the user, one can do it right away with any device. Traditional approach of Sage has lost its charm as owners are getting more benefits on cloud hosting services. Company is protected by the security offered by the hosting services providers. Every company has its data very prioritized therefore data security and recovery is managed by hosting companies who are managing the business operation.

Sage hosted on premise has users managing it on the office location. No user is allowed to access company data from any other network source. Accountants, professionals have to operate the company files hosted on the local servers and the files are secured on the same. No more transfer and file management away from the office as it might create data theft of the company. Owners are very sure of the company management should be efficiently by the employees and data is safe. Access to the application is allowed only to the genuine users of the application. Sage in the Cloud ensures bank level security to the company therefore every business hosted on cloud servers are safe and protected with advanced security. Sage allows only those users to access the web application who have valid license. Invalid user’s information to login is terminated instantly. Therefore owners should shed their security concerns over Sage in the Cloud. When hosting on cloud the company business is on fast track mode as updates are instant automated.

Sage releases upgraded version of its various application modules and the user’s license product gets automatically upgraded. No more manual upgrades required by the application. It’s a great boon to business functionality as Sage in the Cloud is automated application program offered best in class features. With sage on board a firm is very productive and customer relation is efficiently management. A CRM module takes care of its customer updates and notes them every time there is a new request from them. Some other modules like payments, invoicing, inventory, manufacturing and reporting are separately managed though all of them are interlinked. These businesses can efficiently integrate other application like Microsoft Access, PowerPoint and Excel to exchange and edit data. Multiple users can share the same application screen which offers real time business management. Real time system collaboration delivers good growth and development of the enterprise.

Source by John

Why Mobile Phone Tracking is an Effective Way to Track People

Police force, doctors, and fire brigade men are most wanted during an emergency. A sergeant on duty would roll up his sleeves and be ready at all times in case a frantic call for help. To meet up this sudden demand, the surveillance department uses cell phones to track people who seek their help during emergencies. These special mobile phones are technologically powerful with a mobile phone tracking system to locate people quickly and accurately.

GPS Tracking Technology

The technology that is used in tracking people, automobiles, objects located anywhere on the earth is Global Positioning System (GPS). The know-how uses satellite signals to locate the distance between the object and the satellite and the time when the measurement was done.

Although invented for US Defense team, the concept has found immense use in the mobile phone tracking system. As the signal used in GPS methodology can go through tangible and opaque objects, it is simply effective way to locate cell phones that may be kept in a pocket, suitcase, or wrapped up in a cloth.

Different Tracking System

Different handsets are compatible with different mobile phone tracking system. For instance, there is network-based GSM Mobile Phone Tracking System that uses the network of the mobile service provider to locate phones. A handset-based GSM Mobile Phone Tracking System would use the handset’s identification, strength of its signals, and latitude-cum-longitude of the earth’s axis to locate objects. Hybrid GSM Mobile Phone Tracking System has the capacity of using both network and handset tracking system to track the mobile phone.

Uses of Mobile Phone Tracking Know-How

Locating a mobile phone is the most essential use of a mobile phone tracking system. One can find out the phone and consequently, its user through GPS technology. However, this is not the only utility of the tracking system. Other benefits include capturing of photos, videos of a memorable holiday trip.

In fact, many holiday enthusiasts use the mobile phone tracking system to find out locations of trips using Google Earth and 3D maps. You may also share data while you are traveling through GPS mobile phone tracking utility.

Today, mobile phone tracking system is used even in corporate sector where the management intends to know the exact location of a worker. It is quite effective, affordable, and efficiently manageable. When one needs to save time and reduce work pressure, mobile phone tracking tool is a wonderful means to make this effort a reality.


GPS-enabled mobile phone tracking system has a bright future. It has already made its way into the tracking system for serious and recreation works. If the tool is picked up from an excellent firm, it can be unique in itself, reliable to the users, and effective in users’ requirements.

So, next time your child goes for an excursion or trekking trip to a remote area, don’t lose your sleep. Track your child with the mobile phone tracking system. Similarly, you can also find out what your sales guy is up to during an outdoor session.

Be sure to get all this and much more – through mobile phone tracking system.

Great Plains Reseller Var in Los Angeles and Orange County Region

Microsoft Dynamics GP has large number of customers in US, Canada and Worldwide, especially in English speaking and Spanish speaking countries (Mexico and Latin America).  LA, being the Ocean gateway to the USA for the countries of Western coast of South American continent as well as for the whole Asia, including China, Japan, India – definitely has growing number of businesses engaged in international trade and exposed to such ERP challenging requirements as multicurrency, branches and subsidiaries consolidated financial reporting, remote support for their agents in Asia.  Great Plains Dynamics is good fit to such challenges and it should and will enable custom business processes with modified logic and advanced integration and reporting.  Let us introduce you our company – Alba Spectrum:

1.       Combining Technical and Functional consulting expertise.  Of course technology should serve your unique business needs and automate your unique business processes.  Your uniqueness allows you to compete and win the market share, however uniqueness commands you to pick strong technology MRP partner who is capable to translate your business processes into the system in the form of custom modules

2.       Great Plains Dexterity.  This is the EDI of GP or the shell.  GP was initially written in Dex in earlier 1990th.  Microsoft Dexterity allows you to program seamlessly integrated add-ons for GP.  Dex is powerful scripting language, but at the same time it is relatively complex and in essence proprietary.  We recommend you to deploy Dex software programming, but we recommend you to hire professional GP programmer or engage GP ISV partner

3.       eConnect integrations and extensions.  This SDK allows you to deploy Visual Studio .Net C# or VB developers with SQL scripting and stored procedures calls background to program integrations, EDI in such areas as ecommerce

4.       GP Dexterity, eConnect, SQL, .Net software factory.  Alba Spectrum serves you with local LA and San Diego based consultants, supported and backed by Software Development Factory, specialized in GP Dex programming, eConnect, .Net, e-commerce, GP customizations, integrations and reporting

Source by Andrew Karasev