BaxTek Solutions’ Livestock Food Traceability
When choosing a systems integrator, it is essential that the correct mix of hardware and software vendors are carefully chosen to create the best solution. BaxTek Solutions takes the complexity of integrating these products and makes it so that the customer has a solution that is easy to deploy and use. In most cases, a single off-the shelf – or “plug-and-play” – solution will not fulfill all of a customer’s needs- The customer is then left to tackle the problem of complexity.
Wayne Baxter, President of the firm noted, “There is widespread acceptance that the Livestock industry must embrace traceability in livestock farming and processing to meet the US and international market access requirements, promote food safety and bio-security, and limit the impact of any future disease outbreaks and chemical residue issues among farm animals. Although the industry currently tags cattle, swine, goats and sheep, there is no systematic electronic recordkeeping on individual animals or their movements. BaxTek Solutions will design your complete traceability solution to capture accurate and real- time data on the status and movement of your livestock inventory. By optimizing the information captured, we can help identify areas for increased efficiencies, minimizing waste/loss and improving money to your bottom line. BaxTek Solutions offers complete “Farm to Fork” traceability answers: from monitoring irrigated fields where livestock feed; to continuous monitoring of product through processing to finished goods; to monitoring ambient product temperature during transport to the consumer market. BaxTek Solutions has formed a Strategic Alliance of seasoned professionals in the dairy, grain, meat, and vegetable food production industries. Our group can guide your operation to full regulatory compliance, including HACCP/SSOP Procedures, the FDA Bioterrorism Act and COOL Labeling Requirements. BaxTek Solutions offers One-Stop-Shop Traceability Answers
BaxTek Solutions is one of the leading Systems Integrators in the barcode verification, data collection, and supply chain industry that offers a diverse suite of products including RFID, RF Terminals, Printers, Wireless Access Points, Software, Remote Portable Terminal and Printer Management and Repair Services. The company specializes in traceability and tracking solutions for the food industry from “farm to fork.”
BaxTek Solutions has constructed a total solutions package, enabling food producers, processors and retailers to bring their current traceability efforts to the next level while simultaneously making a profit center out of what was once a cost center. BaxTek Solutions participates in the design of the project, the integration of legacy systems, implementation of the new applications, and remote management of devices deployed into the field. Choosing BaxTek Solutions provides the most efficient use of time and money for “Track and Trace” implementation.
BaxTek Solutions represents all major Auto ID hardware manufactures (including LXE, Zebra, Motorola, Datamax, Intermec, Vocollect, Alien, Cisco, Unitech, Datalogic, Honeywell, and Sato.) Software solutions include Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Warehouse Management Systems (WMS), asset tracking, inventory tracking, custom, and mobile applications such as, DSD (direct store delivery) and field service. BaxTek Solutions’ diverse customer base includes manufacturers, distributors, as well as firms involved in logistics, mobility, and government projects. BaxTek Solutions’ team of project managers and engineers take a partnership approach to every project, achieving a rapid return on investment for clients.
BaxTek Solutions
Tina Nagaitis
Marketing Manager
866 722 9835
Source by Thomas Cutler