

Can’t remove Vipre Antivirus -Windows 7 Support

Can’t remove Vipre Antivirus -Windows 7 Support

Do you want to uninstall Vipre Antivirus from your PC with Windows 7? This step-by-step guide shows you how to completely remove all the components and files of Vipre Antivirus in Windows 7.

Here are steps:

1) Click the start button on the desktop;

2) Click control panel and the control panel window opens;
3) Click Uninstall a program and the installed programs window appears;
4) Click the Vipre Antivirus program which you want to uninstall;
5) Click Uninstall (or uninstall/change);
6) Follow the instructions on the screen to get rid of Vipre Antivirus completely. Notice that if the instructions ask you to exit the current running Vipre Antivirus program, you can find the programs icon on the system tray and then click the icon and choose exit. In that way, you’re able to exit the program and continue your uninstall procedure;
7) A reboot may be required then just go ahead to ensure the complete removal.

That is all for the guide. Usually, if you follow the above instructions, you will be able to remove the unwanted Vipre Antivirus program completely on Control Panel.

If you fail to remove Vipre Antivirus by following the above steps, here is alternate solutions for removing Vipre Antivirus if you can’t remove it on Control Panel:

1) Remove Vipre Antivirus Online

It is a good solution to everybody. Online PC repair is becoming more and more popular recently. After some simple clicks and giving your permission to the remote connection, you can enjoy watching all kinds of PC problems being solived by PC experts remotely and conveniently.

2) Using Vipre Antivirus removal tool

There is special removal tools for deleting Vipre Antivirus completely. If you want to use it, please pay attention to the version of Vipre Antivirus that you had so that you can find the proper removal tool.

Source by selina_999